Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Ward Halloween Party

Last night was the ward Halloween party and it was so much fun! Rob was able to come which was wonderful and his costume was really cool!
We took Michaela around to the little kids games and she "won" a few prizes. She really loved the cake walk because she totally understands the walking around in a circle concept. This is her with her cupcake. Cute, Huh?

Carrilyne brought some costumes over and we picked this one because it totally went with Ellie's Princess Barbie costume. Michaela was Ellie's Pegasus!

This was our family Halloween portrait (I am a witch in case you can't tell).

1 comment:

Carrilyne said...

Cute blog sis! Wasn't it so much fun to come over here and blog! SO calm and peaceful, no children screaming, or spilling things or asking us for food! That is the life... Sorry again about your favorite things list!